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USUI REIKI workshops

reiki I

In this one day class we will learn various topics on Reiki, such as what is Reiki exactly, the history of Reiki and so much more.

The Student will go through four attunements throughout the day.  This process also called an initiation is having the Reiki Master opening the students ability to Reiki and entering the sacred symbols into the healing field.

We will discuss Reiki hand positions, Grounding, Aura's and the Chakra's.

COST IS $220.00



In Reiki II which is also a one day class, students will also go through four attunements. 

We will discuss and learn about the mental and emotional side of Reiki and how we can utilize it to assist clients.

We will discuss Manifesting with Reiki.

Location of Body Organs.

Beaming Reiki at Distance.

Sending Reiki at a Distance.

Animals and Reiki

Group Healing; and

Starting your own Reiki Business.

COST IS $300.00

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In Reiki III we will learn:

Reiki and Spirit Release;

Reiki in Hospitals;

Etheric Surgery;

Reiki Grids as well as solutions to improve your Reiki Practice.

COST $565.00


reiki master / teacher

In Reiki Master the student becomes the Master!

The student will receive their last four attunements.

We will learn about Healing Attunements.

We will practice the attunements and be gifted the time to prepare and have one on one time together.

Tips and teachings of Reiki will be disscued

A PDF or word document will be given to the Master with all 4 manuals in them for each level of Reiki, so you can be prepared for your first class!!

COST $650.00

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